Nelson Field Target Club is very informal and was first started at Merthyr Vale in 1982. The club has had numerous grounds since then and fortunately, we now have a new superb ground that many people would envy.
There has been a lot of time, money and effort already put into this new venue but we are under no illusion that there is still a great deal of work left to do, and money spent to achieve the standard of ground we require. As you can see from the photographs, we have already put in an entry gate at the top of the field and an exit gate at the bottom. Without these gates (as we found to our peril) it would have been virtually impossible to shoot all year round, as is our intention. To say it was wet and boggy on our first shoot,was an understatement but thanks to all the boys that pushed the cars (with their faces full of mud) the day ended up pretty good, thanks again lads.
Nelson Field Target Club has reaped the rewards of some excellent shooting-members, such as Dorian Falconer (DOZ), who achieved such excellent results in the World Championships and European Events, he is a club member to be proud of. We also have Mark Basset (BERTY) who is the current Welsh Team Captain and has achieved success in his own right as winner of the Welsh Masters and is currently trying to knock Doz off his perch.
The club shoots on a Saturday at about three o’clock until five, and during summer months, also on a Wednesday evening until dark. All people are welcome at Nelson Field Target Club and are encouraged to bring along any kit they may like to use and have a go. The only stipulation we have is with regard to safety, so it is in each and every persons interest that you read The Club Constitution together with the Safety Rules, any breach of these rules, tomfoolery or abuse towards a fellow member will not be tolerated and you will not be welcome at Nelson Field Target Club.
It is our intention to promote Field Target and Hunter Field Target at the Club and to compete at both events around the country at the highest level. To achieve this we need the support of members (old and new) to push the Club forward and to establish Nelson Field Target Club as the venue people want to come to and enjoy being a member of - so please, whether your interest lies in F.T.- H.F.T. or just plinking, you are most welcome to come along and have a go, but most importantly, enjoy yourself in the safety and knowledge that there is always someone ready to help.
By now you will have realized this website was developed by a complete novice, well you are not wrong, but I hope you enjoyed the intro and we hope to see you at Nelson Field Target Club when maybe someone can help me improve my computer skills.
(Now where has that dlete to button gone??????).